Länsmuseet Gävleborg
Production: K / Kristoffer Berglund
Directed by: Kristoffer Berglund
Cinematographer: Michael Tebinka
Format: Arri Alexa Mini LF, Angenieux Optimo Style
We had the honor of telling the ‘History of Gävle’ / 'Historien om Gävle' for the Gävleborg County Museum. How do you shape a story like this, spanning over centuries? We selected approximately 200 images from the museum's digital archive that we printed and installed in an empty industrial space. We then invited museum educator Elisabet to select 10 favourite photographs from which she told the story. Together with Elisabeth's narration, we then painted these scenes with sound effects and music. The story begins as early as 1446 and moves us up to the present time in a little over 17 minutes. A reasonable length for those who visit the museum's newly built cinema where the film is now shown as a permanent installation.