Rise and fall

Production: Medea Electronique

Directed by: Michael Tebinka

Cinematographer: Michael Tebinka

Choreography, performance: Marili Pizarro

Format: Blackmagic Cinema Camera, Voigtländer Nokton

Building on the concept of an architectural symbol of power this work reverses the positions – and in some extent perspectives. Where the building rises several floors above the ground this is characterised by a persona roaming between the fragile cavities of a concrete skeleton. The characters natural habitat can be found in the sub-basement levels of the old national insurance building – where her true personality can be seen. She aims for liberty through the unwired elevator shaft, but freedom doesn’t come without sacrifice or force.

Rise and fall was filmed on location in Athens, Greece during Soundscapes Landscapes city residency 2016 and forms part of the Extended Reality Tour – Soundscapes Landscapes – Rhizome ΙΙ / City Above – Life Below.

The OCC (Onassis Cultural Centre – Athens) presents the audio-visual installation Soundscapes Landscapes – Rhizome ΙΙ / City Above – Life Below in parallel with its audio-visual walks through Gazi, Kerameikos and Metaxourgeio. The neighbourhood serves as the canvas for the experience of the audio-visual walk. The installation then simulates this experience by means of VR stations, video projections, texts, sounds and compositions. The visitor engages with a staged virtual reality environment which guides them through space, bringing Athens and the experience of its streets and crossroads to life.

